KUT BOND EPAs low as KWD 60.00
KUT BOND EP is a multi-purpose adhesive based on solvent-free epoxy resins. It has exceptional adhesive properties and is supplied as a two-pack material which on mixing cures to high strength, oil, water, and chemical resisting surface.
It is designed as a bonding agent for fine and coarse aggregate, which must be clean and dry, to form a chemical-resistant mortar granolithic flooring or screed. It is recommended for use as an economical epoxy bonder for old to new freshly laid concrete or screed. It may also be used as a primer for epoxy floor coating, screeds, and bonding sprinkled on aggregate. It is used as a general-purpose bonding agent for common construction materials including concrete, ceramics, glass, metals, asbestos, timber, plastics, etc.
KUT BOND PVAAs low as KWD 7.00
KUT BOND PVA is a modified polyvinyl acetate emulsion formulated especially for use as a bonding aid with gauging water for plaster and cementitious mortars not exposed to dampness or water. It is the white, non-toxic, non-inflammable liquid of medium viscosity which dries to a transparent film.
Used for improving and bonding floor topping, cement renderings, and mortars, and repair of damaged and spalled concrete for dry exposure conditions. It is used as tile adhesive when mixed with cement and blended sands. It is recommended as a multi-purpose adhesive, a plaster bonding agent, a primer for overcoating bitumen with oil-based paints, for dust proofing floor screeds, and for friable concrete flooring.
KUT BOND TNAs low as KWD 8.00
KUT BOND TN is a specially formulated non–shrink, non-sag, solvent-free epoxy resin-based system blended with fine inert fillers. It is supplied as a two-component material in pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.
KUT BOND TN is primarily intended as a bonder for old concrete to new freshly laid as well as old concrete and cementitious repair products.
KUT EPOXY ANCHOR is available in two grades, “NS” and “P”. Both grades are three-component products consisting of Base, Hardener, and Filler supplied in pre-measured quantities ready for mixing and use. After hardening, the anchorages give consistent reproducible values. Both grades of KUT EPOXY ANCHOR can be used for all anchoring applications, having proper dimensions of hole diameters and bolt sizes and types. KUT EPOXYANCHOR “NS” is a “non-sag” material and is used in overhead or horizontal holes. The thixotropic nature reduces the flow of grout out of the hole. KUT EPOXY ANCHOR “P” is a “Pourable” material and is used in holes made on horizontal surfaces.
High strength corrosion resistant anchoring of bolts and bars from 12-51 mm diameter into concrete, rock, masonry, or brickwork where high speed of installation and early application of load is required. Permanent installation of reinforcement starter bars, foundation bolts, base plates, balustrading, barriers, safety fences, tracks, tie-back anchors, reinforcement dowelling abutments, and ground anchors for towers, cranes, and dock sills.
KUT EPOXYBONDER - “OTN”As low as KWD 10.00
KUT EPOXYBONDER-“OTN” is a specially formulated epoxy resin-based system blended with fine Inert fillers. It is supplied as a two-component material in pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.
KUT EPOXYBONDER-” OTN” is primarily intended as a bonder for old concrete to new freshly laid concrete. It may also be used as a primer for placing KUT EPOXYMORTARS on dry as well as damp substrates.
KUT FLEXIAs low as KWD 2.00
KUT FLEXI is a specially formulated liquid polymer emulsion recommended for use as an additive for thin bed mortars in installing tile, paver, brick, marble, and stone. These mortars are suitable for interior and exterior use over concrete as well as masonry-type surface. KUT FLEXI is suitable for applications that will be subject to continuous underwater immersion such as swimming pools, fountains, etc.
KUT FLEXI-based mortars are used for installing ceramic tiles, mosaic tiles, quarry tiles, natural stone, marble, terrazzo tiles, glass mosaic tiles, and thin bricks. These mortars are recommended for use over new and old concrete, masonry surfaces, gypsum plaster, concrete blocks, concrete screeds, gypsum wallboard, concrete plaster, calcium silicate blocks, and existing terrazzo tiles. It is recommended for use with KUT SUPERCOAT No.2, KUT TILE MORTAR, and some other KUT products.
KUT SBR NO.1-20 KGKWD 15.00
KUT SBR NO.1 is a highly concentrated styrene butadiene polymer emulsion modified with a blend of special auxiliary chemicals. KUT SBR NO.1 can be used for indoor as well as outdoor applications as the system is resistant to hydrolysis.
It is used as an integral adhesive and admixture to produce at the job site polymer modified cementitious mixes. It is used in preparing thick tile bedding mortar. It is recommended for use in bonding polystyrene panels with cementitious mortars. It is used for general repair of damaged and spalled concrete. It also improves the qualities of the flooring screeds and increases the waterproofing and chemical resistance of cementitious mixes used as renders. It is used as primer/sealer for cementitious repair products and cementitious floorings.
KUT GEL EPAs low as KWD 5.00
KUT GEL EP is a thixotropic two component epoxy resin with exceptional adhesive and sealing characteristics. The base component is bluish White coloured and the hardner component is brownish yellow to facilitate ease of mixing.
UsesIt is designed for use as a surface sealant for crack injection systems. It is also used as bonding agent for common construction materials including asbestos, glass, timber and some plastics. It is also recommended for filling blowholes and minor surface irregularities prior to application of gap epoxy resin based coating systems.
KUT BOND PVA-MGAs low as KWD 5.00
KUT BOND PVA-MG is a modified polyvinyl acetate emulsion formulated especially for use as a bonding aid with gauging water for plaster and cementitious mortars not exposed to dampness or water. It is the white, non-toxic, non-inflammable liquid of medium viscosity which dries to a transparent film
Used for improving and bonding floor topping, cement renderings, and mortars, and repair of damaged and spalled concrete for dry exposure conditions. It is used as tile adhesive when mixed with cement and blended sands. It is recommended as a multi-purpose adhesive, a plaster bonding agent, a primer for overcoating bitumen with oil-based paints, for dust proofing floor screeds, and for friable concrete flooring.
KUT POLYFIX - SBR is a water-resistant low viscosity SBR latex emulsion modified with auxiliary agents and is used to improve the water and chemical resistance of cementitious mixes made at the local job sites.
KUT POLYFIX - SBR is recommended for indoor as well as outdoor applications and wet areas such as toilets, bathrooms, etc.• It is used for preparing tile grouts, toppings, plaster and bonding slurries, grout joints, thick mortar beds for tiles, bricks, stone, ceramics, and marble, general reconstruction work, polymer concrete overlays for highways and bridges, patching and repair of precast concrete elements and concrete pipe.• KUT POLYFIX - SBR is used for the production of cementitious polymer flooring and is also recommended as supplied for dust proofing of floors.• It is used in preparing thick bed tiling mortar.